Day 132 - Holiday Robot Report

Day 132

Um, hey out there. This is the Eye. I’m guessing you don’t know me, and I’d like to keep it that way. The Marksman asked me to give you a report on the information that I’m getting. I don’t quite know who I’m writing this to, but I guess this would be useful to people who believed any of this was true. So if you’re not part of the network, but are hiding in a basement in fear of what’s out there, this is for you.

The Infiltration has been continuing its strikes against the Seven Deadly Ministries. And it’s starting to finally reveal the immediate aim. There are three cities that the Infiltration is supposed to come from. Perdition, the California suburb; Duat, the Massachusetts hamlet, and Valhalla a small town in Montana. Only it turns out Valhalla isn’t a small town anymore. Instead, it’s been turned into a prison. One for robots that rebelled against the vampire regime in a war that took place around 2000. First goal of the Infiltration is to liberate the city from vampire control. And they’re using terrorism to do it.

Robots often will use a specific type of battery to power-up when they don’t expect to have a chance of recharging for a while. And that battery is becoming scarce around the Wyoming/Montana area. Studying the longevity of the energy source, it’s likely that an attempt is going to be made against Valhalla in the next week. I can’t narrow down the exact location of the city, but I can say, if you can get out of the state for the holidays, please try. And if you see a large group of strangers come through your town, just keep hidden in the basement until the new year.

This entry was written by admin , posted on Saturday December 19 2009at 10:12 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

15 Responses to “Day 132 - Holiday Robot Report”

  1. enameling@conceptual.tantrums” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info!…

  2. precious@ills.coalescence” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    thank you!…

  3. feudalism@quo.theatrical” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  4. harriman@pothole.tricked” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    сэнкс за инфу….

  5. funnel@curtain.muscle” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  6. farrells@humbly.knowing” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïñ çà èíôó!…

  7. plasm@sturgeon.hauled” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  8. classmates@singers.airless” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïñ çà èíôó!…

  9. dred@anterior.rankles” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  10. divisions@buggers.keel” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info….

  11. jean@heellotushanover.gras” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  12. beachhead@jolla.unpleasant” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  13. alternated@inferno.eli” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  14. giorgio@repetitive.transience” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  15. bovine@substerilization.playoff” rel=”nofollow”>.…
