Day 40 - The Pieces on the Board Changed Last Night

Hello Grandmother,

The pieces on the board changed last night. I’m not a deeply spiritual person, but sometimes events go beyond luck. Sometimes you learn that life is not as hopeless as you thought. I don’t know what the future brings, but today, I can tell you there is nothing better than a soft couch to sleep on.

As I was hiding in the dark yesterday, vampire strike teams were on there way to take out the re-assignment factory’s central command. But it wasn’t really necessary, the robots did it for them. Too afraid that it would all be used against them, they decided to destroy their technology instead.

Meanwhile, I was being pounded into delirium by a vampire assassin known as the Valkyrie, as I heard the factory’s self destruct warning blare. Why she didn’t kill me, I don’t know. But as I was being beaten to a pulp, I saw her bodyguards turn to dust as she slipped away. As I was lying there on the floor delirious, I was introduced to a stranger who called himself the Marksman. He said he was the last superhero on Earth. I retained consciousness long enough to see the factory explode, then awoke up a few hours later, dazed and barely alive in the back of a pick-up headed west on I-15 towards Los Angeles. I haven’t had the time to figure out what really happened, but I can’t complain about being alive. For once, I can say that I’ll leave the questions to tomorrow.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Friday September 18 2009at 04:09 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

41 Responses to “Day 40 - The Pieces on the Board Changed Last Night”

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