Day 47 - The Sinking of the Shifting Sands

Hello Grandmother,

Things may be getting out of hand at the remains site of the Shifting Sands. The whole place seems to be sinking, and the vampires are digging out whatever they can find. This process is made more difficult for them because more than a few robots, on their way to get re-assigned, are blowing themselves up at the sight of their destination destroyed and vampires running the grounds.

Which means that the vampires are just rounding up anything that comes close. And going for a swift execution. This is exactly what I was hoping to prevent. At this point I have to hope the entire facility just drops below the surface before things get even more out of hand.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Friday September 25 2009at 09:09 am , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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