Day 67 - Kelly Burke Didn’t Have to Wait for Dawn

Hello Grandmother,

When you rule the world, you get to make up your own rules. The vampire court trying Kelly Burke didn’t have to wait to carry out its decision once it had reached its conclusion. Kelly Burke was to die, and unlike vampires of history, they weren’t going to wait on ceremony. You see, the classical vampire execution for one of their own is death by sunlight, but Kelly Burke didn’t have to wait for dawn. She bit the dust in a quick staking; her remains gathered up in a dustpan and dumped out with the rest of the trash. Maybe it’ll be important for her cult to go dumpster diving for her remains, maybe not. But she’s gone. And now the vampire bureaucracy can turn its attention to more troubling matters, like the Infiltration; while the cult and the remains of the vampire House system, lick their wounds and wait to fight another day.


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  1. stop@prose.reforms” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…