Day 108 - Rule 1: Robots Fall Apart

Hello Grandmother,

Technology is a funny thing. It’s never really going to be as good as you want it to be. Which is rule number one when you’re trying to take down a robot. I know you personally aren’t a fan of having to fight a robot by yourself, but it can be done. There are a number of techniques you can use to destabilize and depower a machine that is trying to kill you, and I want to run down a few for you in the off chance it happens in the near future.

Most modern robots are going to be controlled by a central nervous system that gives them control over limbs and extremities, whatever they may be. If you can cause a break in this system, you’ll severely deplete the robot’s power levels. It’s not likely to take them out, but it’ll give you some time. Second, you want to do everything you can to give its sensors conflicting information. The most widespread sensors available to your average ‘bot are going to have trouble if you start moving in unpredictable directions, or start coving your heat signature by meshing into a crowd (not necessarily the easiest thing to do in that situation, but something to remember).

Taking a robot down yourself is unadvisable, but if you’re in the situation where its unavoidable, remember that a robot’s processor is likely to be located in the chest, not the head. They may have a backup memory unit there, but to take it down, you’re going to want to aim at piercing the thickest part of it’s body (not to different from a vampire, really). It’s not always going to work, but it’s your best shot. As we keep going, I hope to give you more complete schematics of the latest robot models. Just keep in mind that they aren’t toys, and if you’re not careful they will kill you.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Wednesday November 25 2009at 11:11 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

24 Responses to “Day 108 - Rule 1: Robots Fall Apart”

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