Day 23 - I Get to See Some Crazy Parties

Hello Grandmother,

Following the Illuminati means I get to see some crazy parties. It also means that sometimes I get to sneak into them. That’s what happened last night. It was the usual Illuminati insanity; rich people doing the strangest drugs, sex and general debauchery they could find. Fascinating to watch, from an anthropological stand point, I tell you. Until the party came to an abrupt halt.

I’ve seen humans work for vampires before. Mostly it’s because they want to be vampires themselves. But the individuals who disrupted the party, and the vampire who lead them were completely different. I’ve had time to look into it, and it’s a group that refers to themselves as the Knights of Day, or in Spanish Soldados del Sol. They’re the ground troops for a vampire lord who used to be a drug kingpin, who now goes by the name Mureto. He’s seems to see his vampirism as a curse for his failures in life, and now sees his mission in un-life to use his drug business to corrupt the corrupted, to sort of indulge their vices to destructions.

Which makes last night even stranger. But I think I have an idea about what was going on. Because the Knights of Day burst in, and began smashing things left and right. Specifically: mirrors. They beat the crap out of the Illuminati members there, while Muerto watched from a distance. Was all this retribution for the mirror found in Jakob’s home? Was it the Illuminati that placed it there? Or is that just one lead a desperate vamp lord is taking? If the vampire leaders are following thin leads like this, we may all be in trouble.


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