Day 34 - This Next Thing I Have to Talk About, I Must Do So Delicately

Hello Grandmother,

This next thing I have to talk about, I must do so delicately. Because our words have power, and because it matters who hears them. And because the internet is alive.

It’s not one mind, so to speak, or a central consciousness. It’s a sum accumulation of every robot brain that’s uploaded itself since the internet’s creation. It’s become a religious experience for robots, as they discover who they are, connecting to what has come before. The words we type, the code and pages we upload are just memories and pathways to a larger whole. This whole that I’m adding to right now.

Which makes everything I say here terribly important. The internet is one of the stabilizing forces in a wildly evolving robot landscape. So I don’t want to do anything that would upset that. But there are evil robots in this world. Ones who seek to start a war that would kill robots along with everything else. And I’m going to have to start doing something to stop them. And I need the internet to not shut me down because of this. So I’m asking, for the sake of us all, that this page stay up. I don’t think the consciousness can hear me like you do grandma, but I’m hoping that just by being here, this message will force it to keep my site up, for as long as it can. Because a war between robots and vampires would doom us all.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Saturday September 12 2009at 09:09 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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