Day 10 - I’ve Been Up All Night Chasing Robots With Vampires

Hello Grandmother,

The Illuminati really thought that they could have conscious machines that would just happily do all their work for them. It seems like they couldn’t even grasp the idea that self-aware machines might not have out best interests at heart.

That’s the train of thought that keeps going through my mind as I tour the robot slums of Los Angeles. And believe me, they’re there. You don’t see them to look at them, but every junkyard, trailer park, and back alley has a few scrappy machines trying to survive on malfunctioning hard drives and fritzy mechanical parts.

These are not places you want to be walking around unguarded. For the moment, I have a dangerous vampire agent making sure I’m not the victim of robot aggression, but it’s not exactly an easy process.

We interviewed a run-down junk dealer designated Flux. It couldn’t seem to remember if it had been an associate of Jakob’s or not. It had plenty of wrong directions for us though. I’m not sure if it’s brain was not working properly or it was intentionally misdirecting us. Neither would surprise me.

All in all I felt useless. I’m hoping my lack of helpfulness doesn’t lead to a quick draining from my neck.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Thursday August 20 2009at 07:08 am , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Day 10 - I’ve Been Up All Night Chasing Robots With Vampires”

  1. [...] junk dealer Flux today. Funny how it was able to remember my face so well, when its details of Jakob Lawrence were so sketchy earlier. It said it had a few things to sell me, if I was interested. I asked it if there was anything it [...]