Day 9 - Someone in a Very High Place is Upset

Hello Grandmother,

Someone in a very high place is upset. I know this because my services have been requested by an agent of the vampire bureaucracy who is displeased with the state of the investigation into Jakob Lawrence’s death. I had only a second to wonder what you would do at such a request before my cooperation was indicated to be less than voluntary.

They seem to be having trouble identifying Jakob’s true killer. And the higher ups don’t like having a rouge assassin eliminating the final human secret lords without their say so.

The vampire bureaucracy doesn’t care about LA’s petty squabbles, about the robots near equal footing in this town. They just want an answer. I doubt retribution even matters to them. All that they care about is knowing the secret, having control of the darkness, and keeping it to themselves.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Tuesday August 18 2009at 07:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

4 Responses to “Day 9 - Someone in a Very High Place is Upset”

  1. [...] warlord Fang (who hates being called warlord) is upset with the bureaucracy’s investigation that I have been enlisted into. So he decided to invite my vampire body guard and myself to an LA location of his to curse us out. [...]

  2. [...] been granted a reprieve from working for the vampire bureaucracy. I guess they feel they got what they needed out of me. Thankfully, it didn’t involve draining [...]

  3. [...] the vampire hierarchy stopped by last evening, and was considerably less cordial than she was when she was threatening me to help her. Though I could clearly see the gun was almost perfunctory. It meant she wanted me dead per the [...]

  4. sexuality@kembles.rabat” rel=”nofollow”>.…

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