Day 12 - My Opinion on Psychics

Hello Grandmother,

Psychics are just assholes. Maybe I need to rephrase that. Most psychics, your bendy spoon type of people, are good people, but the ones who get hired by vampires, the psychics who are good enough you never hear about them, are generally just pricks. They’ve decided they’re better than everyone else, and that justifies selling out the rest of humanity to the highest bidder.

I had another useless day as I spent most of my time sitting around while Cassandra dressed down the Hack for failing to control the city. Really I don’t blame him. He doesn’t really have the resources to accomplish what they’re asking of him. Doesn’t mean his head’s not gonna roll sooner or later if he doesn’t figure out how to do the impossible.

Meanwhile, I had to spend the day sitting across from the Hack’s snotty psychic attaché. Who I’m sure was none too happy about not being able to read my mind. Probably thought I was a vampire. But I’m a guy who likes to keep his secrets to himself, so I didn’t correct him on any misconceptions.

I’m not sure where this investigation is going, or why I’m along. We’ve spent very little time interview real suspects or following leads, and most of it in verbal sparing matches with the local heavyweights. Nothing we’ve seen has been anything that I could lend my expertise with. I’m starting to wonder here- what kind of pawn am I exactly?


This entry was written by admin , posted on Friday August 21 2009at 09:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Day 12 - My Opinion on Psychics”

  1. shames@octavia.chabrier” rel=”nofollow”>.…
