Day 8 - Someone is Out to Get Me

Hello Grandmother,

It’s hard not to be paranoid at this point. I know someone is out to get me. Someone thinks I owe them a favor, and I’m going to have no choice but to repay it. And in all likelihood, they are a vampire. So the best thing to do, to calm my nerves, while I wait for the favor to be called in, is to narrow down my possible requestors.

For the last five years, LA has been in a tango of vampire violence as different applicants have vied for role as the city’s chief prima donna bureaucrat. There have been flares of robot power, attempted takeovers that almost gave the impression the city was in a state of open rebellion, but in recent years the standardization of robot operating systems have lead to a relative compromise.

The vampire peacocking around attempting to increase the violence as of late is a creature of the night who has changed his name to Fang. He’s got a pack of werewolves that have been picking on the unfortunate during the daytime to up his reputation as a badass. But at this point, he’s going to have to work at forming alliances to boost his power past petty warlord of Century City.

Psychics have been the vampire’s means of control over their human underlings since their world conquest. It’s a group that vampires have a limited degree of leverage against, as psychics can’t read vampire minds. The bureaucrat in charge of LA’s première psychic enforcers is someone who very likely could make a play for taking over the city. Not exactly popular in the town, he’s referred to as the Hack, as he has a pension for trying to manipulate peoples lives in predictable but sometimes effective fashion. However, until LA becomes a more stable environment, his powers are limited.

The robot communities on the west coast in general take their orders from an enigmatic figure called the Alternate, which operates out of a secret compound in Colorado. The Alternate has wrested control over the Illuminati’s fleet of transforming artificially intelligent vehicles, which enforces it’s control over lesser robot factions. The “Carmy’s” leader, designated Commander Brake, has had to begrudgingly except the Alternate’s rule, but tends to assert his own authority whenever possible. For the most part though, the Alternate is only able to set up a broad distribution system for disseminating his operating system updates. The robot masses are generally ungoverned and exist in a state of chaos kept out the public by the vampire’s manipulations.

Any of these players could be the one seeking out my aid. What if it’s none of these? Who is hunting the Illuminati’s treasures? I doubt I have any hope of just returning the prize.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Monday August 17 2009at 08:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Day 8 - Someone is Out to Get Me”

  1. [...] had another useless day as I spent most of my time sitting around while Cassandra dressed down the Hack for failing to control the city. Really I don’t blame him. He doesn’t really have the resources [...]