Day 18 - The Shadow Bureaucracy

Hello Grandmother,

I think the concept of bureaucracy was designed to be run from the shadows. That way the people at the top have no accountability to what’s going on below. The investigation into the death of Jakob Lawrence has suddenly ceased. What’s the explanation, I don’t know, I may as well ask the shadows.

The ridiculous thing is that I know the vampires have actually made things more open. Terms like the Illuminati, Majestic 13, these were just part of an idea, never the whole picture back when humans ran things. But now, the vampires have everything organized. They have hierarchies and legislation. Because the truth is, they want you to know it’s them. They want the darkness to fear them. Cassandra had a badge, a double v with a heart over it; I’ll try and recreate it for you at some point. They vampires will probably thank me.

But all this fear, it defeats the purpose of working in the shadows. Eventually, they’re going to lose their secrecy. And that may be more dangerous than anything else. Because there is nothing that would push the conflict between the vampires and the robots more than if it all came out in the open.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Thursday August 27 2009at 02:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Day 18 - The Shadow Bureaucracy”

  1. djangology@opportune.disarray” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    thanks for information….