Day 19 - The Arrest of Kelly Burke

Hello Grandmother,

Something big just happened in the world behind the curtain. The Vampire bureaucracy has arrested someone for the murder of Jakob Lawrence. Less than twenty four hours after shutting down the investigation into his death. As if that wasn’t suspicious enough, they’ve arrested someone I’m fairly sure didn’t do it. Or at least didn’t send me the note.

The note spoke of a cult, based in Dallas, which was calling for the return of some dark power. And all this played into the arrest. But I don’t know if they got their wires crossed or they’re just making an example, but they seemed to have just picked the first cult they could find.

More specifically, it’s the cult of a recently deceased vampire lord, who liked to refer to himself as the Devil. It had gotten to the point that he was known locally as Lucifer. He’d started to form something of a debauchery cult, themed around the antebellum south. That is, until that had a rebellion from those they were keeping as slaves. The resulting scuffle resulted in his execution by daylight. The club still operates, though now run by the former slaves. But his followers have formed an ascension cult, in the belief that he was in fact the devil come to earth, and that he’s now taken his rightful place again on the thrown of hell. Suffice it to say, a group like this does not sit well with a giant, globe spanning bureaucracy. However they also don’t really have the orchestration capabilities to pull of the murder of an aging Illuminati chief under the bureaucracy’s noses. So the fact that the cult leader, and Lucifer’s former lover, vampire debutant Kelly Burke has been imprisoned for the crime makes me uncertain they’ve found the true culprit.

Which means this was just done to cure a troublesome bureaucracy problem. And the real killer is still out there. And I have a feeling, by broadcasting this, the vampires are creating an even bigger martyr.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Friday August 28 2009at 09:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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