Day 21 - The New Map of the World

Hello Grandmother,

I’m trying to decipher a map. It’s not a hidden map, not a secret, but one I don’t think that anyone outside the vampire hegemony has put much thought into. It’s the new map of the world.

The Vampires overthrew the Illuminati, and took over the world. But vampires aren’t like the old human rulers. While they live in the world of secrets, they are actually more solid in some ways, less likely to change their personality and style, unless they really have to. They are the way they were when they died. Which means that they like to stay in one place. They form fiefdoms, communities. One of the lessons I’ve learned recently is that vampires like cities. The bigger the city, the more vampires there are. The more I learn, the more I begin to see that vampires control things from the major cities. Los Angeles, Dallas, New York. I imagine there is something of a vampire power in Chicago. And that’s just the United States. I hear stories of vampire domination in Europe, Africa, at least some of South America.

Ten years ago, something happened that made robots a bigger threat. There are rumors that all of Asia is now controlled by artificial beings. Of what form I’m still uncertain. Japan I’ve heard is cut of, by fears of giant monsters and a small robot boy who controls them. They call him Momotaro.

On the opposite side, there are rumors of a vampire killer, who uses the jungles of Malaysia as hunting grounds, not for people, but for extraterrestrial prey. At this point all I have are fears and suspicions, spread in shadow and grown in darkness. But as I learn more, I’m going to start posting a guide. A travel book, for the dark truth hidden everywhere. Cause I think we’re all going to need to know where the battle lines are drawn.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Sunday August 30 2009at 02:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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  1. petersburg@ways.oxcart” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïñ çà èíôó!!…