Day 20 - Dallas

Hello Grandmother,

When I was a kid, it always seemed like you were so well travelled, even though you’d only ever been as far east as the Grand Canyon. You seemed to know so much about the world, though I guess it was a small world for us then. Course none of that makes any sense to you now, but it’s hard not to think about these days. Mainly cause I’m realizing I need to know a hell of a lot more about Dallas.

I know the Devil’s Playground is located there, run by a vampire named Corrine Thomas, a former slave of the vampire who claimed to be Lucifer. I know that Lucifer’s cult is now looking for a leader, and revenge, now that Kelly Burke has been arrested. I know that there are bureaucracy agents moving about in the city, maybe even running things from behind the scenes. I’ve heard tales of a secret bureaucracy program digging in the desert that’s being orchestrated by the higher ups in Dallas. Apparently they’ve sent a vampire agent named Rita Seward to micromanage the whole affair, keep it super secret. Which doesn’t really jib with it being a well spread rumor, so who knows the real truth their.

The point is I can’t go there. I don’t want to go there. But I need to know what’s going on there. And my complete lack of depth on this issue is just about killing me. Almost as much as going there would.


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