Day 25 - The Alternate’s OS is Not the Only Operating System Available

Hello Grandmother,

I’m starting to learn the ins and outs of the robot community. The Alternate has a strong distribution system that gives it a powerful sway over most of the west coast robots. However, the Alternate’s OS is not the only operating system available. Asia’s been conquered by robots for over a decade, and the most powerful leaders operates out of Beijing.

It’s name roughly translates to Factorybot, and it’s operating systems have become the norm throughout the countryside. As an alternative to robots who don’t want to pay the Alternate’s prices, some LA robots have been using defunct versions of the Chinese system, something that irritates the robot who are part of the system and confounds the vampires trying to keep control of it. Nobody knows what to do. What ends up happening, in most cases, is that they malfunction because they aren’t getting the proper support for the software, and the vampires take them out. In turn, their spare parts, and some faulty Chinese software, winds up in Flux’s junk shop, which he happened to show me today. The question is how long it takes before enough of versions of Factorybot’s system get over here that they can challenge the Alternate.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Thursday September 03 2009at 07:09 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Day 25 - The Alternate’s OS is Not the Only Operating System Available”

  1. surmise@moon.confer” rel=”nofollow”>.…

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