Day 26 - They Didn’t Realize I Was Ready for Them

Hello Grandmother,

Writing to you isn’t easy. I know you’re out there, and you don’t know who I am. I can’t even be certain you’re reading this now. But it’s necessary to keep things anonymous, because there are people out to get me, and if they knew who you were, they’d be out to get you too.

My home was attacked today, but some pretty vicious vamps. Unfortunately for them, they didn’t realize that I was ready for them. They came prepared for the temperature detectors, the UV spreads and the projectile stakes, but I’m not bush league here. I know a thing or to about dusting bloodsuckers, and I’m not leaving the house unprotected while I’m away. I collected their remains when I finished, and now have a few mantle pieces to show any night stalker who thinks they can break into my home.

The lesson is that I’m being hunted. Apparently my usefulness to the bureaucracy only goes so far, and there are dangerous people who want me gone. I’m ruffling feathers, and that’s not a good way to stay alive. I can block the idiots, but eventually I’m going to have to make peace with the people who are really dangerous, or I’m not going to be able to help anyone.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Friday September 04 2009at 08:09 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Day 26 - They Didn’t Realize I Was Ready for Them”

  1. unfurled@monarch.experiences” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info!…