Day 27 - Fang

Hello Grandmother,

I’m trying to figure out who sent the goons who were dusted trying to break into my home yesterday. It could have been Muerto and the Knights of Day, it could have been someone the Illuminati hired over the whole mirror incident. But the most likely culprit is Fang, the warlord who’s been sending werewolves to rough up helpless robots on the streets of Los Angeles. He’s the one who has the most to gain by increasing conflict, and he’s the most likely to want my head because of it.

I’m trying to gather together as much information about Fang as I can. I’m not sure how a vampire came to have his own werewolf pack at his beck and call. I know he’s a 200 year old African vamp who came to this country about a hundred years ago. I know he wasn’t that prominent a figure during Illuminati control. But somewhere along the lines his position changed, and now he’s looking to take the whole city himself.

He’s made enemies in the bureaucracy, and is trying as much as he can to engage the robot forces in a conflict. He’s desperate for an alliance with any other power in Los Angeles, and looking to take what he can from anyone he can overpower.

If he’s the one who’s gunning for me, then I’m going to have to find some other place to live.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Saturday September 05 2009at 11:09 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Day 27 - Fang”

  1. assume@mcwhinney.boosted” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    thank you!!…