Day 31 - I Don’t Think the Aztec Box is Safe With Me Anymore

Hello Grandmother,

I’m spending my time building something important, something I’ll hopefully let you know about later, but I guess you could call this a slow day. I’ve had plenty of time sitting around with nothing to occupy myself but questions with very few answers. But I’ve come to a conclusion about one thing: I don’t think the Aztec box is safe with me anymore. My home is under almost daily attacks, I’m planning on doing some things that might make me disappear completely. It’s not like there are any vampires or robots I’m comfortable giving it to. And any human would just wind up getting themselves killed. I certainly wouldn’t endanger you that way. So I have to answer for myself what to do with it.

I still don’t have any idea about what it means. An Aztec device with a modern technology port? I haven’t been able to find any literature that would in any way explain it. How can it be both from the past and the present? Who took it from Lawrence’s collection, and why did they give it to me? Why did they kill him (or claim to kill him)?

It’s a big question mark that I need an answer to if I’m going to be risking my life more liberally. It means something to me personally in ways I can’t quite explain. And I know the only real place I can find answers is an immediate death trap for me. Which means I can’t give it to anyone, or take it where it needs to go. How do you keep something safe when you don’t trust anyone in power, at the top or at the bottom? I think we all need to start finding our own hiding places.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Wednesday September 09 2009at 04:09 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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