Day 32 - Deals with Aliens

Hello Grandmother,

Space is big. Which mean extra-terrestrials come in all shapes and sizes. And while the one’s I’ve found hiding in back alleys tend to be bottom feeders, there are vast and unconfirmable reports of very powerful aliens that do business with vampires. The connections to forces outside our control is one of the powerful ideas that keep the vampires in power.

There are rumors that the Alternate is trying to make a deal with these aliens. I deal that would give him his own powerbase outside of vampire control. The implications would be huge; and dangerous. What’s even more disturbing to the vampire elite is the nature of the Alternate’s supposed contact with these aliens. Robots disguised as vampires who have infiltrated to the highest levels.

The fear and paranoia is spreading fast and quick. And I don’t think its completely unfounded. If robots are able to start making deals with the aliens lords, then the vampires entire control apparatus is in jeopardy. And that’s only a small quick step until war.


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