Day 2 - I Thought the Illuminati Were Dying Out

Hello Grandmother,

I thought the Illuminati were dying out. Turns out that someone is killing off the last of the Illuminati.  I know this because a year ago I prevented them from bringing about the end of the world.  When you do something like that you get a little obsessed with making sure they don’t try it again.  Now my investigation has turned into a murder case– and I find myself having to risk my neck to save them, because I don’t want their secrets falling into someone else’s hands.

Jakob Lawrence was off of any kind of official record long before he left the mortal coil.  He was a secret king of the world, a spy-god, existing in the shadows and controlling the world through a network of operatives who had no idea who they were working for.  He was the Illuminati’s best liar– and that means he had the best real secrets kept to himself.

The fact that he died in a car accident at 150 miles an hour is beyond suspicious.  Now the question is:  what happens to all of his leftover prizes?

I know the vampires want them.  It makes them less suspect for this death, in a way, because I know they would have preferred to keep him alive to question him about his secrets, if they could arrange it.

Dying in a car makes it hard not to suspect the robot hegemony, but I don’t see what a robot suicide attack gets them.  Was it a revenge killing by an upset, unloved toy?  Were they afraid he had shutdown codes?  Why now?  I know the robot hierarchy in the western U.S. is in disarray.  Was this a power play?

The more I look into it, the more it appears that some smaller group has to be behind this.  If this were done by the major powers — robot or vampire –it would have been much more discreet.  Instead there are a million questions, and too many people looking into it, myself included.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Tuesday August 11 2009at 04:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

21 Responses to “Day 2 - I Thought the Illuminati Were Dying Out”

  1. [...] by an agent of the vampire bureaucracy who is displeased with the state of the investigation into Jakob Lawrence’s death. I had only a second to wonder what you would do at such a request before my cooperation was [...]

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