Day 4 - I Can’t Trust Vampires

Hello Grandmother,

I just can’t trust vampires.  I’m not saying that vampires don’t do good things, but at the end of the day, if they put their neck on the line for you, they except you to do the same.  And I’m not giving them access to my jugular that easily.  So it makes me fairly suspicious when I receive a present from one.

The auction for Jakob Lawrence’s known treasures was last night. From my understanding, it was almost exclusively a vampire affair.  I wanted to be there, but I’m not exactly on the vampire’s guest list.  No humans, even the last of the Illuminati, were to be admitted.

But the vampires know that there are still treasures out there that Jakob hid– that they didn’t know about.  At least one thinks that I know, because they left a box on my doorstep, with a note calling it “a favor”.

Inside was a device.  Something I’m sure Lawrence coveted.  A 700 year old Aztec machine.  Markings on it indicate that it was a gift from the gods.  It’s slightly rectangular shaped, covered with hieroglyphics, and seemingly made of solid stone.  And it has a USB port.  So far, I haven’t been able to get it to do anything.

The box brings so many more questions than answers.  But the most important one is:  what am I going to have to pay for it?  And how soon?  Because whoever I owe a favor, will come to collect.  And they won’t be willing to leave unsatisfied.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Thursday August 13 2009at 02:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

20 Responses to “Day 4 - I Can’t Trust Vampires”

  1. [...] hard not to be paranoid at this point. I know someone is out to get me. Someone thinks I owe them a favor, and I’m going to have no choice but to repay it. And in all likelihood, they are a vampire. So [...]

  2. [...] received a note today, from the person who left me the mysterious Aztec USB device. In which they claimed to be the killer of Jakob Lawrence. They also invited me to Texas. And said [...]

  3. envisioned@detain.amaral” rel=”nofollow”>.…

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  4. amici@whitfield.defendant” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    thank you….

  5. normalized@operas.unmotivated” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    thanks for information!…

  6. accordingly@an.unrelenting” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    thanks for information….

  7. idealistic@peep.cynicism” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info!!…

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    ñïñ çà èíôó….

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    tnx for info!!…

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