Day 15 - A Helpful Voice

Hello Grandmother,

I received a note today, from the person who left me the mysterious Aztec USB device. In which they claimed to be the killer of Jakob Lawrence. They also invited me to Texas. And said they had something very important that I would benefit from helping them with. The worst part is they know my name.

Here’s the text:

Hello <Name Withheld>,

Forgive me, yours is not my native tongue. Your services are required. I have delivered to you a mystery that once belonged to my servant Jakob. You are to rightly be intrigued by it. It is the reason I had to end his live. There is a war coming, that will change everything. You are right to be prepared. I know where you come from. I have been there too. There is a place for you to go, Dallas. It is a place where those who worship me are preparing as well, for my return. They look for a sign. If you meet them, you will receive the assistance you require.

- A helpful voice

Is this real? Is it possible it could be anything other than a trap? Am I being toyed with? Or is this a game in which everyone is being played?


This entry was written by admin , posted on Monday August 24 2009at 05:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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