Day 16 - “Are You Afraid of Me?”

Hello Grandmother,

“Are you afraid of me?” That’s an easy question to answer with a gun pointed at your head. It becomes more complicated when you know the person pointing it doesn’t need it to kill you.

The vampire bureaucracy is not happy about the note I received. Cassandra Stone, agent of the vampire hierarchy stopped by last evening, and was considerably less cordial than she was when she was threatening me to help her. Though I could clearly see the gun was almost perfunctory. It meant she wanted me dead per the request of her employers, and not for any personal reason. I offered her the box in exchange for my life. She said they didn’t want it. She said I should stay away from Dallas, I said I had no intention of going anywhere near it.

So the answer to her question starts to become, no. For the moment, the bureaucracy needs me alive, if just to see what Jakob’s killer will do next. Which means I am momentarily protected, at least from everyone except a known killer.


This entry was written by admin , posted on Tuesday August 25 2009at 03:08 pm , filed under Uncategorized . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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  1. isopleths@camper.unckle” rel=”nofollow”>.…
